Transdisciplinar project: Asia

My group and I represented Asia.
In the first place, and in order to know which ideas we had in mind, we did a brainstorming.
After some days talking about these ideas, we agreed on doing something "live" on the day of the display. So, we thought that a good idea would be to paint something while playing music. 
Then we thought about things that could remind us about Asia, our continent. So, we came up with a dragon: this animal could help us to paint something very colourful and reminded of Asia. 
All in all, we then decided which colours we would paint our dragon: red and yellow, and maybe some orange. However, we had to rehearse three dragons with paintings of colour blue due to the lack of the colours previous mentioned.
Once we had the music clear, we made some rehearsals in order to combine both artistic disciplines. We had to paint the dragon while we were playing the music, and all of us had to play and paint. So, we organised ourselves and our times.
Finally, we bought the red and yellow paintings and we could do the final exhibition in front of the class. 
My opinion is that the result was very well accomplished as we had some troubles during the classes. Moreover, the fact of painting while playing was a plus because we had to calculate how much time we spent doing each part of the dragon, as well as having in mind the duration of the musical play. 
In order to improve this activity, I would have appreciated to have some classes with the two subjects in order to combine music and painting. For us it would have been something positive.
