This is my drawing of Pau Rodríguez.

The aim of the work was to draw the classmate next to you using two type of pencils. In my case, the friend was was Pau Rodríguez. Firstly, we had to draw him/her withouth looking at the paper, only focusing on the person. Afterwards, we had to centralise our attention to the details of our classmate in order to draw what we were observing. Thusly, the drawing was more realistic than the first one.
Personally, it was a little bit difficult to draw him because I did not know how to make it realistic. I started by the shape of his face and then by drawing his hair, which I think is a characteristic of him in order to know who is the person on the drawing.
The part that was most difficult for me was the nose and the ear. I tried different shapes and types to draw them but none of them satisfied me enough. Finally, I more or less draw the ones that are in the image, which were the ones that convinced me the most.
I think that we could also have worked how to make a realistic drawing of a person before drawing our classmates. Also, to make some relation with our future practice as teachers.
